A Pragmatic War: The War of the Austrian Succession 1741 – 1748 is a two-player game simulating the War of the Austrian Succession. One player represents the Austrian interest represented by the Austrians and those powers in Europe faithful to the original agreement, (“the Pragmatic Alliance”). The other player represents the challengers to the Austrians, the Bavarian rival for the Imperial title, Charles Albert and his supporters, primarily the Bourbon rulers of France and Spain intermittently joined by Prussia (“the Bourbons”).
•Officially licensed
•1 or 2 Players (Best with 2)
•4-6 Hours Playing Time
•4 out of 10 Complexity
•6 out of 10 Solitaire Suitability
•Officially licensed
•1 or 2 Players (Best with 2)
•4-6 Hours Playing Time
•4 out of 10 Complexity
•6 out of 10 Solitaire Suitability