Created by Jerry Hawthorne, the designer of Stuffed Fables and Mice and Mystics, Aftermath is the latest addition to the Adventure Book Game line. In a world where all humans have mysteriously vanished, players will take on the role of a heroic rodent working to protect and provide for their colony.
•Play as a colorful cast of mice, hamsters, guinea pigs, and other critters. Each character has personal goal in addition to the group’s main goal
•Dynamic card play allows players to complete a wide variety of exciting actions.
•Engage threats in desperate combat, or try diplomacy for more peaceful solutions
•Complete missions to improve your colony and unlock new perks and explore a ruined suburbia from the eyes of a tiny creature
•2-4 Players / Ages 14+ / 60-120 Minutes Playing Time
•Play as a colorful cast of mice, hamsters, guinea pigs, and other critters. Each character has personal goal in addition to the group’s main goal
•Dynamic card play allows players to complete a wide variety of exciting actions.
•Engage threats in desperate combat, or try diplomacy for more peaceful solutions
•Complete missions to improve your colony and unlock new perks and explore a ruined suburbia from the eyes of a tiny creature
•2-4 Players / Ages 14+ / 60-120 Minutes Playing Time