TARAWA 1943 is a solitaire, card driven game on the invasion of Japanese controlled Tarawa by the 2nd Marine Division. Join the 2nd Marine Division as you storm the beaches of Tarawa. Japanese commander Shibazaki and his men have had a year to prepare for this moment in time.
•TARAWA 1943 is a solitaire, card driven game on the invasion of Japanese controlled Tarawa by the 2nd Marine Division. Join the 2nd Marine Division as you storm the beaches of Tarawa. Japanese commander Shibazaki and his men have had a year to prepare for this moment in time.
•You must adapt, overcome and improvise as the Japanese are going to fight to the end. Japanese defenses, overlapping fields of fire, bunkers, trenches, will present enormous challenges to your Marines. Infiltration of the Marine positions, snipers, and relentless banzai attacks will wear on the cohesion of your battalions as you rapidly try to secure the island.
•Victory is achieved by taking the island as quickly as possible while minimizing casualties. This was the first invasion of the US island hopping strategy and high losses or a prolonged fight could have led to a cancellation of the island hopping campaign.
•The game is on a unique underdone topic, island fighting in the Pacific. Using a simple, fast moving system, you'll be in and fighting within 15 minutes of opening the rules. The game requires minimum setup and breakdown (always a pleasure).
•1 Player | Ages 14+ | Victory in under 1 hour
•TARAWA 1943 is a solitaire, card driven game on the invasion of Japanese controlled Tarawa by the 2nd Marine Division. Join the 2nd Marine Division as you storm the beaches of Tarawa. Japanese commander Shibazaki and his men have had a year to prepare for this moment in time.
•You must adapt, overcome and improvise as the Japanese are going to fight to the end. Japanese defenses, overlapping fields of fire, bunkers, trenches, will present enormous challenges to your Marines. Infiltration of the Marine positions, snipers, and relentless banzai attacks will wear on the cohesion of your battalions as you rapidly try to secure the island.
•Victory is achieved by taking the island as quickly as possible while minimizing casualties. This was the first invasion of the US island hopping strategy and high losses or a prolonged fight could have led to a cancellation of the island hopping campaign.
•The game is on a unique underdone topic, island fighting in the Pacific. Using a simple, fast moving system, you'll be in and fighting within 15 minutes of opening the rules. The game requires minimum setup and breakdown (always a pleasure).
•1 Player | Ages 14+ | Victory in under 1 hour