Total War: Rome Board Game - Battle Play Expansion


Sale price$29.99


The Battle Play Expansion for Total War: ROME: The Board Game adds a deeper, more tactical battle experience - the equivalent of hitting "Play Battle" in the video game. Using the same army card decks from the core game, fight a battle where you deploy your army in formations and fight 4 phases over 10-15 minutes. Use this expansion in conjunction with the core game or fight standalone battles and tournaments. You can even refight famous battles from history with Battle Play!
•This extension allows players to use troop cards from Total War: Rome or others in the series to play a 10-15 minutes tabletop battle where cards are deployed on a 7-file battleboard representing a real battlefield.
•Terrain tiles allow a wide range of battlefields with flanking rivers/coasts, woods, rocky ground and hills.
•Better generals use their extra Tactica Cards to give them an advantage in the battle. Artillery, Bows and Javelins all shoot in order of range to smash some enemy before they even reach your battle line.
•Move your cards around to exploit advantages from your initial impact - smash through your enemy lines or flank them to destroy them. Or hold back reserves to plug holes in your battleline.
•1-4 Players | Ages 10+ | 180 Minutes Playing Time

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