From Sanrio, the makers of Hello Kitty, comes Aggretsuko, a Netflix original animated show about a mild-mannered red panda office worker named Retsuko who unwinds after work by singing death metal karaoke as her alter-ego, Aggretsuko! This 9-inch plush version of Aggretsuko features her fully transformed and raging with a keyboard guitar! Just shake her head to hear her favorite death metal song to sing for karaoke! Plush material is surface washable and suitable for ages one and up.
•Officially Licensed
•9” Sanrio aggretsuko rage plush
•Features aggretsuko fully transformed and Raging
•Perfect for fans of aggretsuko, Sanrio, and Japanese cartoons!
•Shake her to hear her karaoke Death Metal song!
•Officially Licensed
•9” Sanrio aggretsuko rage plush
•Features aggretsuko fully transformed and Raging
•Perfect for fans of aggretsuko, Sanrio, and Japanese cartoons!
•Shake her to hear her karaoke Death Metal song!