Oceans depicts the boundaries between the known world near the ocean’s surface, and the mysteries lurking in Earth’s deepest unexplored regions. Enter a vast, underwater cosmos: a mysterious interconnected world of tentacles, sharp teeth, and black ink, where your survival depends on your ability to adapt in a changing environment. But this is just on the surface… Lurking below the surface lie mysteries so bizarre they hardly seem natural. The Deep is a deck of nearly 100 unique traits that you’ll discover over the course of many games. These powerful traits represent the unknown: the undiscovered wonders of the deep ocean. Venture into the Deep when you are ready to face the unknown!
•STRATEGY GAME FOR 2-4 PLAYERS, AGES 12 & UP: Create a vibrant web of marine life through millions of years of evolution.
•YOUR SURVIVAL DEPENDS ON YOUR ABILITY TO ADAPT: Enter a vast, underwater cosmos – the KNOWN WORLD: a mysterious interconnected world of tentacles, sharp teeth, and black ink.
•LURKING DEEP BELOW THE SURFACE: Lies mysteries so bizarre they hardly seem natural. The Deep is a deck of 89 unique power cards. These powerful traits represent the UNKNOWN WORLD.
•VIVID ARTWORK – Created by world renown nature artist Catherine Hamilton.
•LOTS IN THE BOX: 120 Surface Cards, 89 Deep Cards, 200 Population Tokens, 25 Scenario Cards, 24 Species Boards, 1 Reef Board, 1 Ocean Board, 4 Player Screens, 4 Bonus Tokens, and 1 Cambrian Explosion Card
•STRATEGY GAME FOR 2-4 PLAYERS, AGES 12 & UP: Create a vibrant web of marine life through millions of years of evolution.
•YOUR SURVIVAL DEPENDS ON YOUR ABILITY TO ADAPT: Enter a vast, underwater cosmos – the KNOWN WORLD: a mysterious interconnected world of tentacles, sharp teeth, and black ink.
•LURKING DEEP BELOW THE SURFACE: Lies mysteries so bizarre they hardly seem natural. The Deep is a deck of 89 unique power cards. These powerful traits represent the UNKNOWN WORLD.
•VIVID ARTWORK – Created by world renown nature artist Catherine Hamilton.
•LOTS IN THE BOX: 120 Surface Cards, 89 Deep Cards, 200 Population Tokens, 25 Scenario Cards, 24 Species Boards, 1 Reef Board, 1 Ocean Board, 4 Player Screens, 4 Bonus Tokens, and 1 Cambrian Explosion Card