The Simpsons animated sitcom television show has been on-going since 1989. Add a spooky twist to your The Simpsons collection with the Halloween edition Pop! Demon Lisa! Collectible stands approximately 3.75-inches tall.
•Officially licensed
•Featuring some of your favorite pop culture characters from television, movies, video games, and more!
•Stylized 3.75" figure, perfect for any home, office, anywhere!
•Make sure to collect & display all of your favorite Funko POPs!
•Comes in a windowed box so you can display without opening!
•Officially licensed
•Featuring some of your favorite pop culture characters from television, movies, video games, and more!
•Stylized 3.75" figure, perfect for any home, office, anywhere!
•Make sure to collect & display all of your favorite Funko POPs!
•Comes in a windowed box so you can display without opening!