Designed by Seiji Kanai, the game is about valiant heroes, called vanquishers, who stand up to protect good people from evil villains beyond the reach of the law. Vanquishers work in the shadows, cutting down evil wherever it can be found, but they must be quick to discover the villains’ secrets and constantly hone their martial skills in order to succeed. Each player takes on the role of a vanquisher, punishing villains the law cannot reach. But each villain holds several secrets. Some are guarded by many followers. Others threaten to kill hostages. And still others are perhaps not as evil as they appear. The vanquishers themselves are not invincible; ambushing a villain in a dark alley with no preparation could result in defeat as easily as victory. Each vanquisher holds a hand of cards representing that vanquisher’s special abilities and preparations for battle. Players must use these cards to learn the villains’ secrets, and to strengthen their own blades of justice. But using abilities takes time, and time is precious when so much evil is about. You must cooperate with your fellow vanquishers lest you yourselves become the vanquished!
•Will the vanquishers defeat all of the villains, or will evil prevail?
•Say Bye to the Villains is a cooperative game in which players take on the role of "vanquishers" to defeat all of the evil villains.
•Players prepare for the final showdown by playing Action cards to improve their traits and grant them powerful special abilities.
•Players can also investigate the facedown Situation cards that are placed on villains (representing traps, bodyguards and other threats) in order to better prepare.
•3-8 Players | Ages 14+ | 45 Minutes Playing Time
•Will the vanquishers defeat all of the villains, or will evil prevail?
•Say Bye to the Villains is a cooperative game in which players take on the role of "vanquishers" to defeat all of the evil villains.
•Players prepare for the final showdown by playing Action cards to improve their traits and grant them powerful special abilities.
•Players can also investigate the facedown Situation cards that are placed on villains (representing traps, bodyguards and other threats) in order to better prepare.
•3-8 Players | Ages 14+ | 45 Minutes Playing Time