In the distant future, galactic civilisations have moved beyond war and instead settle their disputes with their champion Star Fighters. Star Fighters: Rapid Fire is a frantic real-time dice strategy game combining clever ship manoeuvers with system management.
•Star Fighters: Rapid Fire combines frantic dice rolling with clever spaceship maneuvers to create an exciting, fast paced space battle.
•Choose your spaceship to match your style.
•Will you rush in, running circles around your targets, or sit back with the big guns to disable your opponents and knock them out of the competition?
•Play in a free-for-all battle or team up with your friends to fight in a variety of game modes to keep you coming back for more.
•1-4 Players | Ages 10+ | 30 Minutes Playing Time
•Star Fighters: Rapid Fire combines frantic dice rolling with clever spaceship maneuvers to create an exciting, fast paced space battle.
•Choose your spaceship to match your style.
•Will you rush in, running circles around your targets, or sit back with the big guns to disable your opponents and knock them out of the competition?
•Play in a free-for-all battle or team up with your friends to fight in a variety of game modes to keep you coming back for more.
•1-4 Players | Ages 10+ | 30 Minutes Playing Time